My Times In His Hand…hello world

I have been gone for a while…have been taking some time alone with Him…have been pondering the times we live in and how it is going out there for you, wondering if you are  feeling like we are living in a ‘wonderland’ of what is going to happen next…..

During this pondering-time, I have come to the conclusion that we are called for such a time as this.  I know my times are in His hand. All of us that have been born in 1948 and forward are in the last generation with the God of all times and all circumstances.   He has called us to be His servants  in this time and place and at just the right time and in the order to usher in change, hope or deliverance to those we come in contact with on a daily basis.

He has established us where we are today and has called us to this exact time, this exact place, these exact circumstances, all the situations we run into, every person we come in contact with is part of our purpose.   He knows our fears, He knows He can trust us and He knows that we will follow His Word and do it.   He is the promise that we must give to others, He is the peace that passes all understanding that we can provide as we are faithful to obey His very word to us to go and make disciples.

He who has called us is faithful to perform that for which He is sending us to do.  Seeing what God is doing and getting in there to be His hands,  His smile, His listening ear; we can know for certain that with God all things are possible and rest in the knowledge and the assurance that we have been called to such a time as this  and know that our times are in His hand.

We need, as I have come to understand, to rest in  God.  I mean REST in GOD!

Don’t do anything unless He tells you to do it and get busy when He speaks and DO IT! The doing will be easy and you will be at peace in the doing.  His work is His doing and He will give you the grace and the authority to do it.

Ester 4:14

Hello World….Jacob’s likes… dislikes

Over the weekend, my grand babe,  4-year-old Jacob climbed up in my lap and we  (hubby Bill, sister Jan, daughter Hope and I) sat around the kitchen table and talked about what we liked and disliked about the things going on in this old world.  He sat quietly, wrapped up in my arms, for several minutes listening intently to us talk.  Suddenly, he smiled that smile and his  mouth went into overtime telling us to ‘be quiet and let him tell us what he likes and dislikes about his Mommy.’   I sat him up  straight in my lap and asked him, “Jacob, what do you like best about your Mommy and give me 10 things you like about her.”  I had a pad and pen laying on the table and as he began to speak, I listed each item.

Number 1 and 2:     Hugs and kisses

Number 3:    She feeds me good food

Number 4:    She lets me talk on the phone to granny and my friends

Number 5:    She tells me what to do.

Number 6:    She takes me to school every day.

Number 7 and 8:    She snuggles with me at bedtime when she reads  me a book

Number 9:     She asks  me questions.

Number 10:   I just like her in my heart all the time.

He was so happy to tell us this and we all laughed at how animated he was in his telling.  I then asked him this question, “Jacob, tell me 10 things you don’t like about your Mommy.”  and this was his response.

Number 1:     Don’t like it when mommy gets mad.

Number 2:    Don’t like her to yell.

Number 3:    Don’t like her to spank me.

Number 4:    Don’t like her to put peanut butter on me…(She puts a dab on the end of his nose like she does the dog when she is playing with him.)

Number 5:    Don’t like her to ‘glue’ chip on me.   (She gives him chips to eat and when he finishes, if he hasn’t eaten  all the chips, she licks them and sticks them to his forehead playing with him) 

Number 6:    Don’t like her to put ‘glue’ on me….. (Spit on a napkin to wipe dirt or smudge off him)

Number 7:    Don’t like to be locked in jail….   ??????  (she had no idea what he meant by that…he has never been to a jail.)

Number 8:    Don’t like mommy to   lock me  outside.     (They have a fenced in backyard and on cleaning day, she puts both boys outside in the yard and locks the sliding glass door so she can clean house and watch them at the same time.)

Number 9:    Don’t like mommy to put jelly on me…. (When putting jelly on pancakes, she sometimes wipes a smudge on his cheeks or lips or the end of his nose…playing with him.)

Number 10:   Don’t like mommy putting cheeto’s on me.  (When eating sandwiches with cheeto’s, she sometimes dips them in coke and  sticks them on his cheeks or the back of his hands as she is cleaning up, playing with him)

We all laughed as he finished his dislikes and he smiled like he had the most fun telling his story. With that little face beaming like he had won an academy award, I asked him if there were any more secrets he wanted to tell and he  smiled the biggest smile and said, “Nope, that is everything I like and dislike about Mommy.”     Grandpa smiled and ruffed his hair and said, “Well, boy, you seemed to enjoy telling all that about your Mommy.”  He smiled bigger and said, “I did, I sure did!”

What fun it is to include the little ones in the conversation and see the joy of them thinking they have taken a step into the adult world when all the time, we took a step into the world of a child and learned some things we didn’t know;     just by listening…….

Psalms 127:3

Hello World… Holy Spirit Power

Where does your power come from?   Where does my power come from?   If you have no power, why not?

I had a very unlearned preacher tell me once that the Holy Spirit does not do the same things today as He did in century’s passed because  we didn’t need the Holy Spirit like they did in the beginning of the bible times.      I had read the bible from cover to cover within a few weeks after I got saved and I understood a scripture that said, “I AM the Lord, I change not; therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed.”  Malachi 3:6      If the Lord says He changes not, then whatever is passed, present and future with the Lord, changes not.

Doubt is not believing the Word of the Lord.    Belief is believing every jot, tittle and word the Lord says.   Therefore the Lord changes not and neither does the Word of the Lord change.  If it was true then, it is true now.   I look unto the Lord for the answers to all problem in my life,   in my mind and those brought about by what others believe or don’t believe.    I believe the Lord first whether anyone likes it or not.   I want Him to say to me, “Well done, you good and faithful servant!”

Right now I need prayer and you all to agree with me that the endeavor that I am about to embark on is God’s will for my life.  I have applied to the Church of God to become an Exhorter and I have to complete 6 months of schooling, classes and test to get my certificate.  Then I have to complete 9 months of classes, schooling, and test to get my license to become a Pastor;  with that license I can be a certified teacher of the Word.  I have been studying the Word  for 39 years so I don’t see any problems with passing the test.  I desire prayer in the area of my husband’s blessing on all of this concerning the classes and schooling and his agreement when I have to go before the Board with him at my side to answer questions regarding his agreement with all aspects of what I will be doing. 

Father has already said:   “Well, done, beloved!  You have been doing an incredible job!  I am so proud of your willingness to serve me  —  the many ways in which you have stepped  out to declare my praise in often hostile environments. Your deep love and passionate desire to serve me makes me glad.   You,  My darling Child, can rest in the fullness of My approval.   Continue to follow with passion and you will see the glory of My presence more and more in your life.   Keep your eyes on Me as I keep My eyes on you and together we shall over come all obstacles.”

All things in my life are powered by the Holy Spirit.  I can do all things that He presents to me by His power.

Pray for me!

L, J

Hello World. . doubt to Belief, Choose

Where are you in the doubt / belief area?   Do you doubt everything until you see it, or do you believe by faith that all things are possible?  Are you a doubting Thomas or have you stepped into Faith is my name, Hope is my game?

 Well, girls and boys, it is time to make a decision and get off the fence of doubt and get into the game of life and begin living as if today is the last day of your life. 

 Manna is the food of angels; God sent it down to the children to eat and their shoes didn’t wear out for 40 years. Are you ready for that kind of living?   Oh, you say; that was just a fairytale.    Doubt!    Well, it just can’t be true, how many people do you know that has shoes that are 40 years old?   Doubt.   (I have dresses that are 40 years old, and a doll that is 57 years old.)  Wake up, children.  With God all things are possible.

 We are the children of God and it is His job to take care of His Children.   Remember, He knows everything  there is to know about us. He created us, He chose us to become His children and He provided the Way to come home if we will just believe, repent and receive.      Faith or doubt, it is your choice.

 You want to know something that I found out when I became His child?    He not only knows everything there is to know about me, I cannot hide even the smallest thought from Him.  And you know what else, I cannot hide my doubts, anger,  frustrations, or fears from Him.   He knows and He loves it when I know that and share my doubts, anger, frustrations and fears with Him openly and honestly. 

He knows when you lie and tell Mom and Dad something to keep you out of trouble.  He knows when you do something that will cause you harm and pain.  When you are honest with Him and out loud with your self  — things change.

 Father God wants to take you into His arms and teach you about Himself and about yourself.  He loves it when you are open and honest with yourself and with Him.  He wants to take you from doubt to belief and on a journey with Him that last your lifetime and through eternity. But this journey can only take place when you choose belief over doubt.  When you choose to follow instead of run amuck in life.   When you choose life over death and Him over self.  The journey begins when you choose to rest in Him and His decisions for your life; when you decide that you can allow Him to make decisions for your life that are best for your life and put aside all your fears and follow.  That is a lot of ands and choices, don’t you think?  Well, if He gives you a lot of ands and choices, don’t you think He can  take your doubts and make them into beliefs once you choose to get into His boat of life?

 Father won’t chide you for having doubts.  No, He will encourage you to look at your doubts and share them with Him because He can expel doubts by new revelations of WHO He is and what He is about to do for you.  When you know Him and as He reveals more of Himself to you, doubts will flee, faith will rush in and give you new revelations of Him and His ability to get it done in your life as you submit to His authority and obey His Word.

 Walk up, boys and girls, Mom and Dad’s, Granny’s and Papa’s   and begin to ask questions to the One true God who already knows all your questions, doubts, belief’s and sin.   He is just waiting for you to ask, seek, knock and watch Him open the door wide and invite you into the new life of FAITH. 

 Go head and try honesty, trust and faith and see your life change right before your eyes.

Hello World…..You have asked for nothing

All day today I have had a headache.   Is it the weather changing or is it too much TV with my husband or just a headache that lingers because I am too lazy to ask Father to heal me?  He came to me just moments ago and said:     My Child, you have asked nothing  in  my Name:  ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.

I said, “Lord, you know my head hurts and it has hurt all day long. You know my sitting down and my rising up, you know everything there is to know about me —so why don’t you just do it without my asking?”

His answer was surprising and yet I knew deep in my soul that it was thus.

My Precious Child, I know all about you and I know your needs better than you do.  I want the best for you and I delight in giving you good gifts, that is why I invite you to come and seek Me and ask.   I will not interfere in your free will.  You are special to  me and I will not step across that love line of freewill that I bestowed on you the day we met and I told you I will never leave you nor forsake you; you are mine and I AM yours forever.  I love you and I invite you to come to Me  with an expectant heart, that I may give you whatsoever you ask believing I will supply.  I desire for you to have all your hearts desire just by asking. I desire to give you abundant life, overflowing fountains of love, joy, peace.  When you sense My presence, all you have to do is ask. I will supply all your needs according to My will for you.  The best gifts are waiting for you to ask for them. My Spirit is present in you and with you all the time.   It is up to you to activate my promises and abiding love by the Words of your lips whispering My name in prayer. Until now you have asked for nothing in My Name today.  Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and all heaven will be open to your voice that your joy be complete. 

Lord, here I am to ask you to heal  this headache and give me restful sleep tonight. Help me and others to realize daily that You are only a whisper away from filling us daily with all heaven offers in that precious name:  Jesus.

8:15 p.m. 10-3-2012

Hello World…Have A Heart….

Dear one, do you realize that love is a verb? It’s true. Out of God’s great love for you He redeemed you.  And through your kindness and compassion to others, you extend God’s love and glorify Him.  When you cook a hot meal, or visit the sick in the hospital, donating clothing to the needed, providing transportation for those who have none…..these small acts of mercy do not depend on great amounts of wealth or even time.  All that is needed is a compassionate, responsive heart, and eyes to see the need of all around you.

If you ask God,  He  will gladly transform your heart to be like His, filled with compassion—-a heart that seeks and loves.  When you show love and kindness to others you are showering God with love and kindness as well….

Have a heart like His….Ask Him to open your eyes to the needs around you and to open your heart to love and serve others…..

Hello World….Readiness of God

God is ready to help you.  Everyday He waits for you to open your eyes and come to Him with asking on your lips. He says ‘no weapon that is formed against you can be successful.’    He has established you in His righteousness and any thing that raises its head against you, any form of demonic activity, any oppression are to stay far away from you.  You are not to be afraid of the enemy that try to show force against you because God is with you.  You are not to be afraid – you are not to show fear – you are to stand in the power that God has given you and through the Holy Spirit, you are to fight the good fight of faith. You are to stand firm, and be secure in the knowledge that God will see you through anything that is coming your way.  Faith means to have confidence in TRUTH. . . . . Now faith means right this minute you trust, rely, and persevere.

Put down any thought that you are not strong enough to withstand  the foe that is coming against you.  God has called  you “Beloved”   and that means He will stand in front of you and take it first. He has blessed you to be a blessing and He has given you power in His Name to see you through. He will deliver you from the power of darkness and He has translated you into the Kingdom of Light where you will dwell with His Son for eternity.  God is your fortress, your high tower, He is your refuge. When you make Him your dwelling place  – He will dwell in you and you in Him and nothing can harm you.

When you call on Him, He will answer you and He will be with you in troubles and He will deliver you….

God is ready to answer you, are you ready to ask?

Hello World….Ask and YOU shall receive..

Last night at church, we had a brother preacher do the preaching and the Spirit of the Lord was very present among us.  He was preaching on Galatians 3:16 and one thing he stated stuck in my mind.  ‘Why do we not have all of heaven readily here on earth now since we have been crucified with Christ and are no longer under the law for we are under grace?’

Then it hit me:  We don’t have, because we don’t ask. 

If my Father owns all the earth, the hills and the cattle and all the fullness thereof, then logically with the wisdom of Solomon, I should ask him from a pure heart and He will give to me good measure, press down and running over, that which I ask for.  Makes sense to me.  So, there is something missing in me if I don’t get.  As I sat there listening and agreeing with a hearty amen and glory hallelujah, I began to realize a nugget of understanding was entering my heart.

I have to ask, from a pure heart according to His will for my life and He will give me whatsoever I ask believing. He will give it good measure, pressed down and running over into my life because I am His child and He is my Father.  Isn’t that what Father’s do for their Child.

Suddenly a ‘Suddenly’ came into my ear and I heard;  ‘ But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every wo-man according as she purposes in her heart so let her give; not grudgingly of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you’ that you always have all-sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work; as it is written, He has given to the poor; his righteousness remains for ever. ”

The nugget key is give from your heart bountifully:  love, laughter, care, consideration, help, joy, peace, money, food, clothing,  and you shall reap if this is done out of a pure heart no begrudging what you give to others. Just give and it shall be given back unto you by grace. Be cheerful as you give and all cheer will come back to you.

WOW….. have we been given a piece of gold right out of heaven itself this day?   I believe I have been.   Smile for I am smiling with you this morning…

Lord, the light of life comes from Your heart to mine this day. In the light of your love, I shall behold the Light of Life.  Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and the Life of my soul with grace pressed down into my spirit. I have been redeemed from destruction and you have crowned my heart with your love, your blessings, your Life in me – Thank you for wisdom teaching each day. It is more than I could think to ask for.  amen.